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Mexican Muralism


Public art can be a genuine demostration of culture and a catalyst for discussing political themes, with the very notion of reclaiming public spaces using art emboding the spirit of rebellion against authority. The role of urban art in public spaces serves for a powerful means for communication, it is inherintly inclusive – inviting everybody regardless of background or privilage to participate. Messages by the community, for the community that exists outside of the constraints of four walls in an exclusive gallery, Accessable Art for All.

Bypassing Censorship through Re-Contextualisation


Censorship and suppression of free speech are tools weaponised by oppressive authority, and through this restriction organisations can essentially alter reality and replace it with a false representation. The information subjected to such censorship usually challenges these organisations and their aims to impose ideologies of what they deem legitimate. By removing the publics ability to oppose and access to alternative information they succeed in preserving their influence over the population.

Artist Citizen: What is my purpose?


Being an artist is to be an educator, it is the constant learning and re-learning of the world around you, of trivial issues and greater concepts. Ai Weiwei said, “I dont think it’s the responsibility of an artist to put politics in their work, but as a citizen I think it’s important to stand up to justice when politics have failed us”.
