i started this series as a self reflection. using symbols or physical objects as a protective devise has been practiced since like, forever. i thought about what my protective symbol might be, something that would mirror what i admire, the strength i need and aspects i seek for a better functioning. something that could store my vulnerability in, hide within and be sheltered by. Liight is often associated with protection, like the auseklis cross in eastern europe - a "sky" and "starry night" symbol regarded as one of the most powerful protective symbols, with the stars bringing light to banish darkness. I like to imagine this banishing like a bounce-back rather than a deterrant. darkness and light exist and have always existed and always will, you cant rid one or the other as their concurrance is the most natural thing. where one thing exists in the world, there will be another similar yet opposing element, like a reflection. i think the recognition of both sides is more important than one chosen over the other, balance is natural.reflection, i feel is one of the most powerful methods of protection. reflection and awareness. awareness , sight. eyes are powerful symbols.
so i reflected on things from my childhood that i was morbidly fascinated by, things i was intimidated by for their power or abilities, but that intruiged me. i remember fishing on the open water when i was younger, and we (children) took turns casting the line and waiting patiently to reel it back in. we were warned about handling the line correctly, to watch out for jellyfish tenticles that could be caught and coiled around it, watch out for slimey goo on the line or be stung for your foolishness. this put me off the experience, but much later when the excitement of fishing died down, we heard my mum yell. she had reeled in the line after feeling powerful tugging, and we gathered around as she fought with whatever creature was thrashing on the other side. then the fight stopped, and she pulled it up. it was the head of a barracuda. it had this terrifying fce, all saber toothed, like something from a nightmare id probably had after watching nemo as a toddler or something. it was so strange, because barracuda were the top predator in the stretch of open ocean we were fishing in. it was somewhat small for its kind, but barracuda aren't known for cannibalism. it was so interesting.
and so i chose a barracuda. there isnt much folklore associated with them, so i guess ill be in charge of that. ill use them for their reflective scales, their intimidating appreance, the fearsome character theyre associated with - barracuda arent actually dangeroud to human yknow. ill use their strength and hunting cababilities, their independance and mystic. a fish eyeball can be your lifeline is stranded at sea. not quite pure, but fresh water. ill use their eyes.

barracuda and mebarracuda and me

throughout this series ivve explored digital techniques like image tracing and recolouring using Adobe Illustrator. ive noticed its effective at tidying linework and grants me freedom to experiment with alternate colouring. curled